Ear piercing is an important ceremony in Hindu traditions. It is another milestone, sacrament and believe that piercing of a hole in the lower lobes of the ear have benefits of acupuncture.
Ear piercing usually performed on 10th, 12th or 16th day after child's birth. Some choose to perform it during 6th or 7th months after birth. The ritual is also performed on odd years after birth of a child, for example on 3rd or 5th year. During this age it is believed that the ear lobes of a child is soft and the pain will be mild. There are two methods sought after for ear piercing, either by a needle or shooter/ piercing guns. I have done some reading and gathered experience from other moms on both methods.
Here are some pro's and cons of piercing with a gun and needle:
Piercing Gun
b) Higher chances of infections; and
c) uneven piercing
Piercing with needle
a) Also a quick process;
b) Healing is faster as less tissue trauma on ears as needle is often sharp; and
c) Various choice of earrings that can be used with needle piercing (especially for hindu custom where we will be using gold jewellery)
a) Most of the time it is done without a numb spray; often leads child to painful ordeal and second ear piercing will be a struggle
Back to little Reya's ear piercing ceremony. My hubs has long planned for having Reya's ear piercing ceremony and prayers in Butterworth which my parents had agreed immediately. A chance to visit mom's hometown is always an immediate yes for them, includes my brother who longed for a break.
Initially we planned for getting her ear pierced using a shooter/ piercing gun. But after weighing all the pros and cons we resorted for needle piercing. Reya's ear pierced by an experienced goldsmith on 30th August 2015 (Sunday), 11.10 am. It was so joyful to see our 3 years old girl with an earring on for the first time. She cried during the piercing and after awhile almost didn't realise she was wearing one and plays as usual.
Thank you for reading!!
Ear piercing usually performed on 10th, 12th or 16th day after child's birth. Some choose to perform it during 6th or 7th months after birth. The ritual is also performed on odd years after birth of a child, for example on 3rd or 5th year. During this age it is believed that the ear lobes of a child is soft and the pain will be mild. There are two methods sought after for ear piercing, either by a needle or shooter/ piercing guns. I have done some reading and gathered experience from other moms on both methods.
Here are some pro's and cons of piercing with a gun and needle:
Piercing Gun
a) Almost painless and quick;
b) Child will almost not realise because of the numb spray will be applied immediately after piercing; and
c) Earrings are often pre-sterilise and packaged
a) Uses low quality jewellery (studs only) that often leads to skin irritation and prolongs the healing time;Con's
b) Higher chances of infections; and
c) uneven piercing
Piercing with needle
a) Also a quick process;
b) Healing is faster as less tissue trauma on ears as needle is often sharp; and
c) Various choice of earrings that can be used with needle piercing (especially for hindu custom where we will be using gold jewellery)
a) Most of the time it is done without a numb spray; often leads child to painful ordeal and second ear piercing will be a struggle
Back to little Reya's ear piercing ceremony. My hubs has long planned for having Reya's ear piercing ceremony and prayers in Butterworth which my parents had agreed immediately. A chance to visit mom's hometown is always an immediate yes for them, includes my brother who longed for a break.
Initially we planned for getting her ear pierced using a shooter/ piercing gun. But after weighing all the pros and cons we resorted for needle piercing. Reya's ear pierced by an experienced goldsmith on 30th August 2015 (Sunday), 11.10 am. It was so joyful to see our 3 years old girl with an earring on for the first time. She cried during the piercing and after awhile almost didn't realise she was wearing one and plays as usual.
Reya's excited look before the piercing done. Beautiful Maha Mariamman Temple in Butterworth as background here. |
This photo was taken at evening on the same day during our visit to Arulmigu Balathandayuthapani Temple in Penang |
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